RigGen - Maya Rigging & Animation tool

Overview of the tool

Overview of the tool

RigGen was used to create this King Kong spoof and Maya Muscles were created on top of them for dynamics.

Kong in action.

Character rigged with RigGen

Character rigged with RigGen

A monster rigged with RigGen + custom rig elements for the tentacles

A monster rigged with RigGen + custom rig elements for the tentacles

Base rig for a troll in the feature film Ashlad

Base rig for a troll in the feature film Ashlad

Still from Ashlad

Still from Ashlad

Still from Ashlad

Still from Ashlad

Even a talking potato was rigged with it!

Even a talking potato was rigged with it!

This tool was built originally in MEL then converted to Python. It was used in multiple commercials, one feature film, and personal projects.

It can do the following:
- Rig creation from guide
- Biped or quadruped rigging
- Ik/FK with parent/root/world space switch per limb
- 2 or 3 jointed limbs
- Separate facial rig generator

October 8, 2020